Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Old and New

Old and New
You see, it’s a lie if people say people don’t change at all. I believe, as you go along, you experience things, and these things teaches you a thing or too, or traumatize you, or make you more stupid...whatever the consequences are, the point it, people change.

I myself have gone through things that excite me, teach me, traumatize me and so on, and on. We don’t need to get into details now do we? I mean, after all, this post has nothing to do with what I’ve been through. But bear in mind that sometimes we do mistakes or do something that changes ourselves and those around you.

The reason for this writing was to just write about the OLD me and the NEW me. This is just my opinion on myself, so its legitimacy would be questionable. Another reason is that I am bored out of my wits. :D I don’t want to study~~ Lalala.....
Now, the Old and the New me.

The Old Me

1. Pathetic
2. Hopeless
3. Timid
4. Prone to doing favours for people regardless of own priority
5. Unable to express self (may refer to item 1)
6. Available for bullying
7. Very bad timing in pretty much anything. (speech, actions)
8. Unaware of the suitability of an action done in certain situation
9. Stupid
10. Low self esteem
11. No confidence
12. Eager to assist (refer to item 4)
13. Eager to try anything new
14. Unable to defend self (refer to item 9)
15. Indecisive
16. Thinks everyone is good
17. Think the whole world is good, a happy and dandy place
18. Have a purpose in life
19. Hates romantic stories
20. Loves cats and other animals
21. Patient
22. Huge fan of coca-cola
23. Tolerant
24. Dependent
25. Cares what others think
26. Irresponsible?

The New Me

1. Vain
2. Egoistical
3. Vengeful
4. Depressing
5. Thinks most of the people in the world are assholes
6. Thinks the world is screwed up
7. Unmotivated to try new things
8. No purpose in life (yet)
9. Hates romantic stories
10. Loves cats and other animals
11. Sadistic
12. Easily bored to death
13. Restless most of the time
14. What the heck is patience?
15. If I don’t like it, I will make it known
16. Avoids coca-cola
17. Independent
18. Don’t give a **** about what people think, screw them, this is my life
19. Slightly responsible

Now, i'm sure there are more things to add but i just got bored halfway anyway...ah well... :D

Saturday, November 6, 2010

For McD

I've had a rather depressing and bad week. And i thought, today the curse would be lifted up upon my forsaken soul...but no it didn't.

I had with me exactly RM26.80 (please keep in mind the amount of money i have at the time) and i wanted to go and get mcD. So off i went with my bike, and saw the fuel meter was about to go empty. I told myself, i'll just get gas on the way back. But on route, i felt a wobbly sensation...my back tyre was flat. I thought, heck, it might just need a air pump.

So, i stopped at the nearest gas station. I pump the tyre and while at it, i decided to put in gas too. I paid RM3 and when it was done, i got onto my bike and realized that the tire was flat again. Ergo, i need to change the tube. So, i went around looking for a workshop nearby and the one i used to go was closed. Then as i turned around, i saw there was a workshop just next to the gas station i was previously at... =.=" anyhow, went there and i had to change the tube and turns out the rubber thingy too(sth that goes ard the rim before putting in the tube)... that cost me RM10. After paying all that, the money that I had with me was RM13.80.

So off i went to McD hoping i could get my food and enjoy it soon. After ordering Quarter Punder (medium) with milo and Porridge (small), the cashier entered and the ammount of cash i had to pay was RM13.90. SO, cofidently i took out my wallet to find that i had RM13. (i didn't count in the cents). sfc%$!@%$$&#^!!!!

I thought I had RM5 in my back pocket but I forgot I paid RM3 earlier.. So,while wondering where my RM5 was, i told the cashier I'd come back...to pay the balance. Went to the nearest ATM at PKNS, withdrew some money and gave the cashier RM10 to pay the remaining 90cents.

I only realized what happened to my RM5 when i got back to my room....

Now, i just got back and i am going to enjoy my food while watching supernatural and grey's anatomy.

Lesson of the day, never travel with less than rm50 with you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tis' have been long~~

Yea yea, i know. I haven't been updating my blog but screw you! Stop nagging~~ :D Ala..bukannya ada orang baca pon.. Let's see...these pass few weeks, there's been loads of things happened, family matters, assignment matters, other things...bla bla bla.. :D

We had this Khidmat Masyarakat Thing going on, and mind you, our dear leader didn't have any leadership qualities at all..but if you put in kiss-ass as a trait of leadership, then, that's a different story.

Now, a part from the khidmat masyarakat, I've been teaching a snail how to swim. (classes are open for those who are interested and can follow my random schedule and it's for free)..sempat buat ad. So far, the snail is doing great... :D *sila kembang hidung Conee*

The other night, i was driving on my bike with Conee (she was talking abt something, wasn't paying much attention) a lovely bird pooped on my hand... Conee says its a sign of good luck... i don't understand...

...still don't understand

...still don't understand how luck comes in the picture...

seriously Conee, explaination please.

Banyak na nama Conee dlm post tok...lejuk ku tulis nama kau...

Moving on to next item, Aine, Menn, Nik and I were following this counselling session as a favour to Nik's scandal (kidding) .....i mean, our thesis supervisor punya RA.. I was bored out of my wits...*tido da....*


30 mins later~~~

Orait, continuing my nonsensical blabbering... i had a hair cut.

Yes Wendy, you won. I owe you KFC...
Reason for hair cut....I've been losing hair..takut botak woo~~ Have to o... *puppy eyes*. (trying to win Wendy over)

My thesis is done, binded and ready to be submitted!!...But can i not give it..? i mean, i love it...sayang maok berik... :D

I think i took too much sugar or what...kindda hyper.. stupid mosquito!...*pak!!* miss!...*turn on mosquito repellent*

I hope it will rain tonight, minus the thunder and lightning of course...its just so hot~~~

I think i should stop now.... ngaaaaaaaaaa...................................................................................................................~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010


Well, sometimes, some people just don’t realize how they mean to another person, or how significant they are in an event. Sometimes they tend to remove themselves from the crowd and sit in a corner because they think they are not important enough to be there. Sometimes, people rush to go about their lives because it is important for the future but never did they realize things they had missed at the present. Sometimes people make mistakes and never admit them because they can’t bear the guilt that comes with it but hiding those mistakes and lying to yourself will eventually eat you one way or another. Sometimes people think their lives are the worse of them all and loathe the happiness others have that they began to sabotage whatever it is which thus makes them a Green Monster. But sometimes jealousy comes with reason, and a green monster may perhaps was once a sweet fairy. Sometimes people give advice to others but rarely follow them themselves. Sometimes people nag because they care, but is often mistaken as people who likes to stick their noses up people’s business. Sometime i ramble over things to remind myself of things but often after a while I’ll forget. So sometimes, i need someone to remind me over things. So i would be reminded of the things I wanted to write but had sway from other matters such as this… :D

Sunday, October 3, 2010

For Nurul

Thanks to your post, i imagined this.. ;D hence, this is for you.